Have you ever felt like everyone you know is having a baby?

Okay so technically its not possible for everyone I know to be having a baby since half of them are men and well you just don’t see that very often…unless you’re Thomas Beatie. He’s had three!

Officially I know four ladies who are expecting. Two of these ladies are related and the other two I actually like. JOKING! Seriously though I am very excited for all of them! Especially the one who’s growing my niece or nephew! Oh yes, I am going to be an auntie! I can’t wait!

And I felt the need to make something that would fit in a crib so this is what I came up with….


its not done, this is just the top.


love the birdies.


and the polka-dots!


This will be the back…

And this was just too cute!

I know five ladies that are expecting and feel totally bad that I forgot one when originally writing this post.