


I’ve only been trying to find an hour to put this together for a week now. Talk about lack of organization! Or is it lack of determination? Maybe a little bit of both. Or perhaps because as the proud mother of an extremely precocious 2-year-old and the fact that I work full time I’m just bloody exhausted. But the idea just wouldn’t go away. It was eating at my brain like a little organiser worm manifesting into this gigantic scary thing that I was beginning to think would never come to fruition. So there’s two ways to go: turn tail and run or hit it full speed head on. I like the latter option.

I’m definitely not the best seamstress on the block (or second, or third) but I try hard and most of the time things turn out decent enough. Thankfully this is another of those times. Believe me when I say there have been PLENTY of times it did not. What you need to do is find the bright side of crooked lines- I call it my House of Wonderland designs. hey whatever works right? and the good thing is with effort, patience and practice I will get better and eventually the pieces I turn out will be perfect matches to the ideas in my head.